
Text To MIDI Sequencer [Max4Live] - ASCII characters to notes!

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Text To MIDI Sequencer [Max4Live] - ASCII characters to notes!


The Text Sequencer creates MIDI note sequences from anything you type into the giant text box. Using any ASCII characters, you can create millions of MIDI sequences using letters, numbers and symbols - of up to 64 characters. 

Now on Version 2 - a free upgrade for anyone who bought Text Sequencer!

The notes can be outputted freely with options to have a fixed velocity, velocities within a range and a changeable note duration

The length of the sequence is set by the number of characters you put into it. Three playback modes allow for forwards, backwards and pin-pong playback, with a tempo interval setting to slow down or speed up playback. 

Make sequences using your phone number, dogs name or a little poem you wrote to a loved one! The sequences can be sent to any synth or drum machine for some incredibly expressive melodies out of the blue. 

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An install guide, PDF manual, Max4Live AMXD and one-to-one support.

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